By state law, auto insurance is required when someone is considering buying a new or used car because it will help keep you, your car, and other people safe and insured while on the road. But, buying a used car and having to get insurance for it is different than when purchasing a new car. Since car insurance is required by state law, it is illegal to be on the road without car insurance.
If you don’t have insurance prior to purchasing a used car, you will need to get a policy before driving the car off the lot. If you call an insurance provider before heading to the dealership, this will give you plenty of time to receive different quotes and find the best policy for you. Once you’ve picked out the used car you like from the dealership, the information on your car will be sent to your insurance provider so they can set up your policy and by having your used car insured, you won’t be breaking any laws which will allow you to register your car with the state with ease.
If you already have a car insured before purchasing another car, it is easy to remove the car from your policy and replace it with the newly purchased car. You just need to call your insurance provider to remove the car listed and replace it with the newly purchased car. But if you don’t do this prior to purchasing your new car, the insurance you have for your previous car can be applied to your new car. You have about 7 to 30 days to make the change with your insurance provider to remove your old car and add your new car to the policy. This 7 to 30 day period depends on the state. All you need to do is tell your insurance provider the make, model, year, and VIN of the car you purchased. Some states do require the purchase price of the car as well.